The Recession Generation

The Recession Generation

Teenagers. We all have a stereotypical image of them; carefree, don’t get out of bed, impulsive and sometimes wild. Films and television programmes portray them as party animals that live day to day without a worry about consequences. Well, times have changed. Teenagers have strayed from these stereotypical images we have from when we were

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A Quarter of UK Workers Want Employer to Create Flexible Role to Help them Work into Retirement

A Quarter of UK Workers Want Employer to Create Flexible Role to Help them Work into Retirement

 61% of workers are planning to continue working if they haven’t managed to save enough money by the time they reach their target retirement age. More than one in three (36%) plan to continue working in their current role until they have enough saved, 28% expect their employer to create a part time or flexible

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Salary or Satisfaction?

Salary or Satisfaction?

Whilst ensuring salary expectations are managed, there are other factors that employers and hiring managers need to consider. New research has found that a typical worker’s priorities change depending on their age and life situation. What matters most across the ages? 18 – 24  –  Salary & Benefits  –  38%          

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