Engineering & Procurement Recruitment in Hampshire and Dorset
The cost-effectiveness of any company relies heavily on its procurement jobs. No-one knows that better than us.
Thankfully, we have a great network of people we know and trust. Combine this with our specialist knowledge of the Engineering and Procurement Recruitment sector, and you won’t have to worry about battling for the best people, whether they’re contract or permanent.
If you’re a candidate, we can connect you with the right companies where your talents will be appreciated and put to good use – see our current engineering jobs.
Call us if you’d like to discuss any of our current roles, or if you’re looking to find someone to join your team. Typical job titles in the engineering sector are:
We are experts in Engineering Recruitment, contact us for more information.
See our latest articles from the Dovetail blog, including candidate tips, advice and industry news:
UK Construction Industry – good news & bad news!
Salaries in Dorset & Hampshire are on the up
So, What about Employer Perks & Benefits
How creative candidates can benefit business
Graduate Vs Apprentice – part one
Graduate Vs Apprentice: University Graduate opinions – part two