Lazy People Often Make the Best Employees

To most people, hiring a lazy employee would be a bad move or a big mistake – however that may not be true.

After all, lazier people know the best shortcuts, the efficiencies and how to eliminate problems, keep things running smoothly and save time.

Here’s how to make the most of them:

  • When they seem to be idle: they may have found a much easier or quicker way of doing things or may have more highly developed skills – learn from them and enlist them to help teach others.
  • When they seem to be bored: they could be in deep thoughts – find challenges that speak to them and give them more high-order assignments.
  • When they seem to be distracted: they may not have a big enough work load to keep them interested – entrust them with projects that require multitasking and fast paced work.
  • When they seem to be slothful: up the ante. Create challenges, targets and goals to allow them to reach further.
  • When they seem to be slow-moving: let them find ways of being more productive in a shorter time span in other areas.

Remember: these aren’t people that aren’t meeting performance standard – but those who are without showing visible effort.

If there’s a hard job to be done, an assignment to be completed or a chore to be accomplished, give the job to a lazy employee and watch them find an easy way to get it done.

However, don’t alienate your lazy employees – challenge them, distract them and encourage them to work. Let them teach you about being productive, effective and constructive.


Source: Business Insider

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