Job Interview Feedback

Why You Haven’t Been Contacted After an Interview

Waiting for job interview feedback? After having a job interview at a place you would like to work at it can be extremely frustrating when days or even a couple of weeks pass and there is still no word – especially when it seemed to go really well. However, this may not be bad news;

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Is the Traditional CV Dead?

Is the Traditional CV Dead?

With the Internet and Social Media becoming an increasing part of businesses, the limiting and lifeless paper CV is being left behind. For decades the traditional CV play such a significant role in recruitment; however, less importance is being placed on them by employers and job seekers, instead, they are turning to the online world.

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Nurturing the Next Generation

Nurturing the Next Generation

Over the next 8 years, the UK will invest £26billion in infrastructure to ensure that people can be connected to the energy they need. This investment is equally as important as investing in employees because the future of the business will depend on the quality of the employees. There are so many young people who

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