Permanent Placements Rise at Fastest Rate in 5 months

A report has shown that recruitment consultancies placed a greater number of candidates into permanent and temporary role during July, with rates of expansion accelerating to five and seven month highs.

The latest data showed that the number of job vacancies continued to rise throughout July, with growth accelerating to the fastest since January. The public sector recorded a solid increase in vacancies; however the private sector remained the primary area of job creation.

Availability of permanent staff fell further in July, with the rate of decline accelerating to the sharpest in the survey history, with temporary/contract staff availability decreasing at the fastest pace since March 1998.

All these new jobs are bringing higher salaries – the average starting salary for candidates placed in permanent jobs continued to rise strongly in July. The rate of this increase was only slightly below the rate in June which showed a record high since the survey began. Temporary/contract staff pay growth was also marked, despite easing from the 79 month high record in June. The total turnover in the UK jobs market is currently £26.5 billion, with £2.4 billion of this permanent jobs and £24.1 billion temporary or contract work.

This increase in permanent placements was seen throughout all four of the English regions covered by the survey – however the sharpest growth was seen in the South with The Midlands showed the strongest expansion of temporary placements.

Of these vacancies, the majority were in construction, closely followed by engineering.


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