Salaries reach 4 month high in South

Job Market Report – February 2018

The latest report on Jobs in Dorset and for the South of the UK has arrived from IHS Markit and REC. Starting Salaries reach 4-month high in South Key points from February survey: Steeper increase in permanent placements contrasts with softer temp billings growth Deterioration in overall candidate availability eases slightly, but remains marked Starting

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Leadership Skills, careers advice, careers skills, dorset recruitment

So, what makes a good leader?

Leadership Skills – Highlights from BBC’s CEO Secrets series The BBC has been running a series of interviews to find out what makes prominent chief executives tick. Is there a secret to their success? Listen to their stories to get their top tips on leadership skills! We’ve hand-picked the business leaders we think you’ll find most

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Future proof your career, careers advice, careers tips, planning your career, career move, strategic career planning

Can you future-proof your career?

Long gone are the days of having a job for life! It used to be simple – graduate, get your first job, stay with a company for 10, 20, 30 years or more! Retire. Easy. Today’s world of work couldn’t be more of a contrast. If you haven’t already upped your game, it’s time to!

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Employment Market Report Dorset

Employment Market Report Dorset

Job & Employment Market Report Dorset – IHS Markit & REC! We’ve summarised Kevin Green’s ( REC Chief Executive) comments below which give a great overview of the current job market. In a nutshell, The report finds that companies are relying more heavily on agencies to support their recruitment needs as the candidate shortage continues…and:

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keep your boss happy

How to Keep your Boss Happy

It’s easy to slip into bad habits at work, especially if you’ve been in your role for a long time. So with our fresh heads on for January, we’re taking a positive approach to all things and gathered some top tips for you on how to keep your boss happy! Some of them are basic

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Test your willpower, how strong is your willpower, new careers, Dovetail Recruitment

Keeping resolutions – time to test your willpower

Did you make a New Year Resolution this year? If so, brace yourself as this weekend marks half way through January and is, according to the statisticians, the most likely time you will break it. So hold fast, stick to your guns and remember the reasons you made that resolution in the first place! Think

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Merry Christmas from Team Dovetail

In case you were wondering what we get up to when no one’s looking! :0) Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas from all of us at Team Dovetail (Francesca is on maternity leave & Lara forgot her elf costume! …. :0) And in case you need us- here are our opening hours over the

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The State of the Labour Market

The State of the Labour Market

Is the long and sustained recent labour market boom finally running out of steam? Philip Hammond started his budget last week by saying the UK economy “continues to grow, continues to create more jobs than ever before, and continues to confound those who seek to talk it down”. This is in stark contrast to Kevin

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UK workforce career job dissatisfaction

‘Over a third of UK workforce unhappy’ – why?

We recently wrote about the shocking statistics on the number of people looking for work, over half of the workforce, ‘Who wants to have their cake and eat it!’ We considered the various factors that have caused this, but one that clearly stands out is career satisfaction. According to CV library’s recent survey of 1,200

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Black Friday - real, fake - how to win!

Black Friday: Real? Fake? How to win!

 “Britain’s leading economic experts have warned that the UK is languishing in the midst of two decades of lost wage growth and a long-term fall in living standards” In the aftermath of the doom and gloom of this week’s budget and the economic forecast for the UK, today we are faced with the ultimate consumer temptation!

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October Job Market Report South

October’s Job Market Report Dorset

October’s Job Market Report Dorset and for the South of the UK has arrived from IHS Markit and REC – see our summary below. Liz Davies: “We’ve had the latest report in from IHS Markit and REC showing the movement in the job market for October 2017. We’ve definitely seen this year’s trend of a

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my first month in recruitment

My first month in recruitment

Yes, I’m the new girl in the office at Dovetail Recruitment and as Recruitment is a whole new world to me, I thought I’d share my learning curve with you. Perhaps it’s something you’ve considered doing yourself or stepping into after having clocked up some client-side experience, so here’s my first month in recruitment. Before

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candidates in demand

Job Market Report: Candidates in demand!

The stats are in for September! We’ve summarised the figures for you from IHS Markit’s latest Job Market Report. Highlights in the South Growth in permanent placements and temp billings softens slightly Steep drop in candidate availability pushes up rates of pay South sees fastest growth of demand for permanent staff of all UK regions

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the resignation letter - template

The perfect covering letter

How to make yourself stand out – with the perfect covering letter It’s not all about the CV – you mustn’t forget the importance of a covering letter. The average job advertised online receives 250 applications!  This is just one of the scary statistics compiled by company BeHiring . You should look at the covering letter

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how to hand in your notice, the resignation letter template, career skills advice, resignation,

The Resignation Letter Template

Stuck on how to write your resignation letter? We’ve made it easy for you with the Resignation Letter template, click the link below to download a word version to update and edit as required. Your Name Your Address Your Phone Number Your Email   Date   Name Title Company Address Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name: I

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permanent placements august

UK Job Market Report: August

We know how popular the IHS Markit Reports are, once again we’ve summarised the figures for you from the UK’s ‘Job Market report south’ – August. The Report on Jobs: South is a monthly publication produced by IHS Markit and sponsored by the Recruitment and Employment Confederation. Commenting on the latest survey results, Kevin Green,

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