Looking for Graduate jobs in Bournemouth?

Job Search Tips for Graduates

So, you’ve just finished University and got your degree under your belt. Well done you – it’s a great achievement and if you really want to you can put letters after your name! :0). If you’re looking for graduate jobs in Bournemouth or beyond then look no further! You must have been thinking about the

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how to hand in your notice, the resignation letter template, career skills advice, resignation,

10 Top Tips: How to hand in your notice

Updated:Theresa May has shown us that there really is a good way and a bad way to do this!  Not sure how to hand in your notice? This might sound silly, but there is a good way … and a bad way. Talking to many candidates and clients, one of the practical things that people

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Career Tips Videos, Recruitment Services Bournemouth - make your job application stand out video, career tips, job search, job hunt advice

Career Tips Videos

We’ve created a series of videos to help you with your job search. Each one focuses on a key area of the job application process, giving you some useful tips to help you find your perfect fit job. For your Recruitment Services Bournemouth – call Dovetail Recruitment on 01202 424824. How to Ace Interviews In

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how to decide between multiple job offers

Multiple Job Offers: How to choose?

As we approach 2019, I think we could say that 2018 has been the year of the candidate. In an uncertain job climate, that is set against the backdrop of the never-ending Brexit saga, uncertainty in UK economics, politics and pretty much everything in the UK at the moment it feels – is this likely

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Looking for a new job checklist

Looking for a New Job Checklist

If you’ve decided it’s time to get yourself a new job, we’ve gathered a ‘Looking for a new job checklist’ for you to work through before you start the ball rolling. We don’t want you to forget anything or get caught out by being unprepared – here are some pointers to getting you your perfect

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Jobs in Southampton, job application stand out, Sales job interview, How to do well in interviews, difficult interview questions, Bournemouth job of the week, Jobs in Bournemouth, Graduate CV Advice

Video: Sales Job Interview Tips

If you’re in the process of looking for your next sales job – this is for you! The first of our video career tips series has everything you need to help you nail your next sales job interview. Laura and Liz take a role-play approach :0) to demonstrate the key points you need to get

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the resignation letter - template

The perfect covering letter

How to make yourself stand out – with the perfect covering letter It’s not all about the CV – you mustn’t forget the importance of a covering letter. The average job advertised online receives 250 applications!  This is just one of the scary statistics compiled by company BeHiring . You should look at the covering letter

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how to hand in your notice, the resignation letter template, career skills advice, resignation,

The Resignation Letter Template

Stuck on how to write your resignation letter? We’ve made it easy for you with the Resignation Letter template, click the link below to download a word version to update and edit as required. Your Name Your Address Your Phone Number Your Email   Date   Name Title Company Address Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name: I

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first and second job interviews

Difference between 1st & 2nd job interviews?

After you’ve had your first interview, some companies require a second interview to be carried out. It can be tempting to think that you have the job in the bag but that’s not always the case. There is still a lot of work to do.  Make sure you think about what makes them want to

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graduate trainee roles

It’s Graduation time: kick-start your career!

If you’re about to wave goodbye to University life – Dovetail Recruitment has a fabulous range of graduate trainee roles just for you. You’ve got the Summer ahead and whatever area you’re looking to get into we have roles available across all of our sectors. Even if you’re not sure what you want to get into take

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Interview preparation: Do your research

Interview preparation: Do your research

As we keep hearing today’s job market is an increasingly candidate-led market – but once you’ve got that interview make sure you maximise your chances and get your research done. Nothing can beat it a bit of old fashioned research, just make sure you cover all bases as it’s your first chance to shine and

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Oops she did it again, Diane Abbott’s Public Speaking Gaffe

Don’t do a Diane, do your interview prep!

We all had a chuckle yesterday, and today, and I probably will tomorrow! :0) when we saw Diane Abbott stumbling around her figures when being interviewed by LBC yesterday….in case you haven’t seen it watch it now! She gave us the perfect demonstration of two things: Being unprepared for an interview – highlighting again the importance

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Questions to ask during an interview

Questions to Ask During an Interview

A lot of people tend to struggle when it comes to the ‘Do you have any questions for me?’ stage of the interview. Don’t panic. The interview process is a two-way street. You are interviewing the prospective employer just as much as they are interviewing you. This ensures you are both a good fit for

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Great interview questions

5 Questions You SHOULD Ask at an Interview  

So you’ve done all the right things to secure an interview; from putting your CV together to sending it to the appropriate person, so now it’s time to tackle the interview and do your best to secure the job. Although interviews are a way for potential employers to ask about you and your experience, etc.;

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What are your weaknesses? Job interview questions, interview advice

What are your ‘weaknesses’? in an interview

One of the most dreaded questions guaranteed to come up in an interview is  ‘What are your weaknesses?’ or ‘What is your greatest weakness?’ Possibly this is a question interviewers’ ask to find out who is really prepared, who is honest or who is just answering questions the way they think they should be answered. Regardless of

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