Career Tips, How to ask for a payrise

Career Tips: How to ask for a pay rise?

It’s a subject many of us find difficult to talk about and certainly not openly. Some employers’ actually ban you from discussing it with colleagues. This can even be written into your contract. But with the recent ongoing debate around the gender gap, this does seem to be changing a little as companies are having

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The Telephone interview - the pros and cons for clients

Telephone Interviews – Pros + Cons

The Telephone Interview – Pros and Cons We’ve recently noticed a rise in clients using Telephone interviews as part of their interview process. Whilst the method is nothing new – the popularity certainly is. This prompted us to take a look at the pros and cons for clients using them. Pros Time Saving – you

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How to deal with pressure at work

How to deal with pressure – like England!

Yes, Can you believe England have done it and made it into the Semifinals, having won not just two ordinary games, but a gruelling match against Colombia with a penalty shoot-out to contend with! I think many of us are still in a pleasant state of shock that it actually happened – England rose to

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FMCG Sales Management

Boost your FMCG sales career with 10 must-reads

Whether you’re already working in sales account management or considering a career move into this area, then this is for you. We’ve researched the best-selling FMCG Sales Account Management books – old and new that are currently rated the best reads to help sales professionals succeed. 1. Way of the Wolf, Straight Line Selling Jordan Belfort The

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Leadership Skills, careers advice, careers skills, dorset recruitment

So, what makes a good leader?

Leadership Skills – Highlights from BBC’s CEO Secrets series The BBC has been running a series of interviews to find out what makes prominent chief executives tick. Is there a secret to their success? Listen to their stories to get their top tips on leadership skills! We’ve hand-picked the business leaders we think you’ll find most

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Future proof your career, careers advice, careers tips, planning your career, career move, strategic career planning

Can you future-proof your career?

Long gone are the days of having a job for life! It used to be simple – graduate, get your first job, stay with a company for 10, 20, 30 years or more! Retire. Easy. Today’s world of work couldn’t be more of a contrast. If you haven’t already upped your game, it’s time to!

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Test your willpower, how strong is your willpower, new careers, Dovetail Recruitment

Keeping resolutions – time to test your willpower

Did you make a New Year Resolution this year? If so, brace yourself as this weekend marks half way through January and is, according to the statisticians, the most likely time you will break it. So hold fast, stick to your guns and remember the reasons you made that resolution in the first place! Think

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are you september ready?

So, are you September ready?

What is it about September? Twenty years on, and I can’t seem to shake the back to school mentality from my youth, when thenew school year starts. Back to school always meant a new school uniform, a shiny pair of shoes, maybe a haircut, hopefully, a new bag, a new pencil case and of course

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Updating your Autumn Winter Wardrobe 2017

Dare I say the words Autumn, Winter…and wardrobe!

Looking around the office today I had to think is it still August? as I can’t see much of Summer going on in our outfits today! I know we can’t give up on Summer just yet but the weather hasn’t been too great recently, and September is less than 2 weeks away! So looking at

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Dealing with anxiety

Dealing with anxiety following recent events

There’s been a continued barrage of bad news recently, not just bad but horrific. The number of tragic events we’ve faced in the UK recently feels unprecedented. For most of us, we’ve watched these tragic events from a distance, seeing the impact on innocent people following the terror attacks in London and Manchester and most

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Workplace Etiquette

Technology – Don’t forget your manners in the workplace!

Sadly, career experts have reported that there is an increasing pattern of co-workers not bothering with the basics of etiquette in the workplace. Unbelievably, many of us are forgetting to greet each other in the workplace, and aren’t bothering to say hello or Good Morning! Is it technology we have to thank for another negative

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Brain teasers

Brain Teasers – How does yours work?

For a bit of fun – we’ve got two brain teasers for you …take the tests to get some insight into how your brain works! Let’s face it – do we have any idea what goes on in there?:0) Brain Teaser 1  – The Brain test Find out which side of your brain is dominant

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