Get the latest stats on Permanent Placements in the South, Salaries and job skills shortages with our November Job Market Report

Job Market Report South: Nov 18

If you need to know what’s going on with permanent jobs in the South – look no further. Here is our monthly summary of  REC’s & KPMG’s November Job Market Report for Hampshire, Dorset and the South. Giving you the latest on salaries, placements and job skill shortages in the South. Commenting on the latest survey

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workplace like a jungle, HR,

How work is like a jungle

Following Sunday’s show, it got me thinking about how the workplace is like a jungle – sometimes. What are the characteristics you need to survive? On Sunday, 10.8 million people tuned in to watch Bournemouth’s very own local celebrity Harry crowned King of the Jungle. I confess I did watch a fair bit of the

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how to decide between multiple job offers

Multiple Job Offers: How to choose?

As we approach 2019, I think we could say that 2018 has been the year of the candidate. In an uncertain job climate, that is set against the backdrop of the never-ending Brexit saga, uncertainty in UK economics, politics and pretty much everything in the UK at the moment it feels – is this likely

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Write a CV with no experience, Time for a Life Admin Day

Time for a Life Admin Day

Issue: Dealing with Life Admin Solution: It’s time for a Life Admin Day to sort out that never-ending to-do list? If you feel like time is running away and let’s face it, who doesn’t? There’s always a long list of chores hanging in the background, that you think you’ll get around to when there’s a

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Job Skill shortages in the South

Job Market Report South: Oct 2018

Here is the October summary of  REC’s & KPMG’s Job Market Report for Hampshire, Dorset and the South.  The latest on salaries, placements and job skill shortages in the South. Permanent placements growth at an eight-month high, but labour supply continues to decline “The rise of permanent jobs available in the South of England reflects the

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Looking for a new job checklist

Looking for a New Job Checklist

If you’ve decided it’s time to get yourself a new job, we’ve gathered a ‘Looking for a new job checklist’ for you to work through before you start the ball rolling. We don’t want you to forget anything or get caught out by being unprepared – here are some pointers to getting you your perfect

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Career Skills, IQ, What makes us smart? Find out if you have any of the attributes ? :0)

What makes us Smart?

Traditionally, the perception of being smart has been uncool, geeky, the egghead who’s usually teased for being clever. They’re the one in class that’s typically odd and different from the rest, that stood out from the crowd for all the wrong reasons, spotty, glasses, bad hair, bad clothes. Then the tables turned and suddenly uncool,

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salaries and the gender pay gap

Do we need to know what salary you’re on?

‘Well over three-quarters of UK firms pay their male staff more than their female workers’, according to a recent BBC article. We all know that the Gender Pay Gap is unfair and needs to be rectified and we could say that New York and California are leading the way, as they have already banned the

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Time for a new job, Time for a fresh start, change of the seasons, Hello autumn

Time for a Fresh Start?

The new term and new season is fast approaching  = a fresh start and maybe time for a new job ?  Are you ready? It’s nearly back to school time…and yes, I’m starting to get the blues that Summer is on it’s way out but at least it’s been a hot one! As much as

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what makes a great boss

The ‘Google’ Boss

The importance of a good boss We all know how much time we spend at work and we all want to be happy.  We all have a boss. Some of us are lucky to have a good boss, some a great boss – the less fortunate have an ok, or if we’re honest a pretty

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Recruitment and Love Island

The Dovetail Island

We know we’re in the height of Summer, in the middle of a heatwave, and it might be starting to affect us when we start comparing Dovetail Recruitment and Love Island :0). So, first things first – if you’re not a love island viewer there are a few things you need to know. Or how

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How to deal with pressure at work

How to deal with pressure – like England!

Yes, Can you believe England have done it and made it into the Semifinals, having won not just two ordinary games, but a gruelling match against Colombia with a penalty shoot-out to contend with! I think many of us are still in a pleasant state of shock that it actually happened – England rose to

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benefits of doing a degree

The Pros and Cons of doing a Degree

It’s that time of year again when the final year students at University fling their books to the side, possibly bridge dive into a local river (as per the Oxbridge tradition) and escape student life all-together to embark on their journey into the real working world. We look at the benefits of doing a degree

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Jobs in Southampton, job application stand out, Sales job interview, How to do well in interviews, difficult interview questions, Bournemouth job of the week, Jobs in Bournemouth, Graduate CV Advice

Video: Sales Job Interview Tips

If you’re in the process of looking for your next sales job – this is for you! The first of our video career tips series has everything you need to help you nail your next sales job interview. Laura and Liz take a role-play approach :0) to demonstrate the key points you need to get

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FMCG Sales Management

Boost your FMCG sales career with 10 must-reads

Whether you’re already working in sales account management or considering a career move into this area, then this is for you. We’ve researched the best-selling FMCG Sales Account Management books – old and new that are currently rated the best reads to help sales professionals succeed. 1. Way of the Wolf, Straight Line Selling Jordan Belfort The

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what to have in your workwear wardrobe

Get your Spring ‘Fash-On’

Hooray, I hear you say – yes it’s time to get your Spring Fash-On – here’s what to have in your workwear wardrobe! So Spring has officially arrived this week and in my books, that’s enough to start giving the wardrobe an injection of 2018 trend must-haves! I’ve had the pleasure of scanning the latest

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