Digital Overload in the workplace

Dealing with the digital overload

Dealing with the digital world is a daily challenge we face and something we need to manage at work and home to avoid losing time and productivity. It’s time to refocus – but how? I came across an article on the Psychologies website by author Tom Chatfield, ‘Are you Suffering Digital Overload?’ which addresses the problem very

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New Staff Retention

New Staff Retention

Tackling the issue of ‘new staff retention’ – Nearly one-third of new employees plan on leaving their job in the first 12 months and more than half of them anticipate they will not be with the company after 3 years. Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) have published a report  that found short-termism is known

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Job interview tips

Interview Tips!

When you’ve applied for dozens of jobs, actually landing an interview can seem like a major accomplishment. And it is. But don’t just be happy to get an interview – work hard to make sure you nail the interview. Here are our top Interview Tips to ensure you shine: Attire: it is always hard to

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Questions to ask during an interview

Questions to Ask During an Interview

A lot of people tend to struggle when it comes to the ‘Do you have any questions for me?’ stage of the interview. Don’t panic. The interview process is a two-way street. You are interviewing the prospective employer just as much as they are interviewing you. This ensures you are both a good fit for

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Great interview questions

5 Questions You SHOULD Ask at an Interview  

So you’ve done all the right things to secure an interview; from putting your CV together to sending it to the appropriate person, so now it’s time to tackle the interview and do your best to secure the job. Although interviews are a way for potential employers to ask about you and your experience, etc.;

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Top 20 Career Tips

Top 20 Career Tips

  The following are our top 20 tips to help you with everything from your job search to being happy in the office: First Impressions are Critical People build a perception of you within 30 seconds of meeting you, and these often stick, so make sure you get off on the right foot. From the

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What are your weaknesses? Job interview questions, interview advice

What are your ‘weaknesses’? in an interview

One of the most dreaded questions guaranteed to come up in an interview is  ‘What are your weaknesses?’ or ‘What is your greatest weakness?’ Possibly this is a question interviewers’ ask to find out who is really prepared, who is honest or who is just answering questions the way they think they should be answered. Regardless of

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