Why You Haven’t Been Contacted After an Interview

Waiting for job interview feedback?
After having a job interview at a place you would like to work at it can be extremely frustrating when days or even a couple of weeks pass and there is still no word – especially when it seemed to go really well.
However, this may not be bad news; although you haven’t been told anything don’t give up. There could be more happening than you know.
So, whilst you’re waiting for job interview feedback, do not pause your job search; be sure to keep the job momentum going until you receive a job offer that you would be keen to accept.
Candidates usually assume that the job process works perfectly and smoothly, this is rarely the way. Not hearing from the company straight away does not mean there is anything wrong with you, many other things could be disrupting the schedule; these things could include:
At the start of the process:
- Someone necessary to the process may be missing
More than one person is usually involved in the recruitment process and if a person who should be there isn’t, the process may have to be put on hold until they are.
- The other interviews are taking more time than expected
This could be due to necessary persons not being available to attend, but can also be due to a large number of candidates being interviewed, or even just a rescheduled interview. Any of these could cause a delay in hearing back from the company, regardless if you were the first candidate to be interviewed or not.
- They are getting ready for the second round
A shortlist may have been created and they could be scheduling the next stage before they come back to you. This could be finding a topic for a presentation or finding a time where all the relevant people can be present. It could even be due to a disagreement on who to invite back as many meetings and discussions may occur in order to create the shortlisted candidates.
After the first or second round of interviews:
- They are tying up loose ends and are still completing the process
References could be being checked and waiting for the response before a final decision.
- Someone is missing, again
If a person critical to the process is unavailable, it is hard to go forward until they are able to rejoin the process.
- They may be restructuring the job
When the job description was written the hiring manager was looking for someone specific, after carrying out the interviews they have probably worked out that the person they were looking for doesn’t actually exist! Therefore it is likely the job may have to be restructured to fit the best candidate they have.
When it’s time to make the offer:
- More missing decision makers higher up the chain
When hiring, it is unlikely that it is solely down to the interviewer to make the decision, therefore other managers, etc need to be brought in and if these people are out of the office for whatever reason, the process will be paused until their return.
- Business has changed unexpectedly and they are waiting for the right time
If they can’t afford to fill the job, they will wait and contact you when they can.
- Waiting for a decision from Candidate 1 – you are Candidate 2!
Another candidate may have been offered the job and they are waiting for their response before declining you.
Therefore it is best not to assume – wait until you know for sure.
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Source: HuffingtonPost.com