Tracy’s Story

In today’s world there seems to be a lot of everything. A lot of different brands, shops, restaurants and even recruitment agencies. We Brit’s love a good recommendation and I have experienced the positives of recommendations on both sides of the fence. I’ve been recommended to and been given a recommendation. So it’s always great when I can have a little boast about how our own company is doing. Hopefully you read the last story I had about this, our recommend a friend scheme with Hannah and Christine. If not, you can still catch it here…

Tracy got recommended to us here at Dovetail by one of our Directors friends. As soon as we spoke to her we knew we wanted to see her. The next day Tracy came in to see us for a meet and greet registration and she was clearly a strong candidate looking for a new position that suited her priorities, location, location, location. We submitted her CV to one of our long standing clients that afternoon and 24 hours later she was sat in an interview with them. We don’t hang around here at Dovetail!

Of course not every client and candidate process is quite as fast as this, but we like to be as efficient as possible wherever and whenever we can.

If you’ve been impressed or happy with us here at Dovetail, you could be featured next! Recommendation stories really help us and we love hearing how we’ve been able to help you. Also don’t forget, you can recommend a friend to us and there is a chance to win up to £250! It’s as simple as dropping your friend an email.

Tracy thank you for letting us share your lovely story and we wish you all the best for the future!

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