Setting New Year ‘Goals’ for 2020

New Year Resolutions, Setting goals

No New Year resolutions here – 2020 is all about goals.

It’s the first full week back at work and we’re ready for it. And with a few years’ experience of New Year and all it brings :0), a few of us in the office have learnt that January is the worst time to start making New Year Resolutions and promising ourselves we’re going to lose weight, get fit, get a new job, get a pay rise, …or just save the world in our spare time.

With a realistic head on our shoulders Team Dovetail are planning to conquer many things in 2o20 – so we’re setting realistic goals and timelines – so that’s the first hurdle we’re not going to stumble on.

In 2020, It’s all about …The Goals

I’ve asked around the office and here a few of our various sized goals and aims for the year – ready… here goes!

  • Healthy Eating…losing weight… –  Yes, I know …yawn!
  • Go on one more holiday than last year
  • Do some exercise – even just a little bit! Yes, I know …yawn!
  • Have meat-free days – not ready to become Vegan
  • Improve Work-Life Balance
  • Avoid buying one time use plastics
  • Do a refresher course in XXX
  • Decorate the bedroom
  • Read more books
  • Have less screen time, set limits, it’s not a part of our body :0)
  • Be tidier – at home and work. Tidy surroundings = tidy mind
  • Declutter – clear the loft, chuck those clothes away you haven’t worn for 5 years! Do it – it feels so good!
  • Achieve 3 Life Admin tasks a week – just remembering  you have to do them is a great start
  • Get more organised – I have a diary, family planner calendar, Iphone and google calendar – how can I still not be organised?
  • Be more creative – do more arty things, painting, crafts – Make the time.
  • Get a cat or pet – it’s so good for your well-being
  • Enter competitions – if you’re not in it, you can’t win it
  • Make it to 2021…See our pointers on how to set your own goals below!It's all about goals for 2019 - tell us what yours are!

A few pointers on setting your goals

  • Don’t aim to do everything at once, stagger your goals
  • Be realistic with your aims – don’t overestimate what’s possible – I’m planning to cut down on eating meat and attempting to cook more ‘plant based’ meals – but I’m aiming for small steps, even twice a week will be a good achievement in our house.
  • Try to make your goals fun
  • Reward yourself when you succeed
  • Create goal posts – try to do one goal for two weeks to start with, then perhaps one month,
  • Team up with a friend or partner to try and achieve your goals together, it’s so much easier and you can have a giggle (or a cry) along the way!

Of course, this New Year is a little more special than others as it’s also the start of a new decade. Look out for one of our next blogs, on setting long term goals. It’s definitely worth considering where you want to be in five years time – it can be a bit of a cliche but it certainly focuses the mind and makes you think more seriously about your career goals.

And if your New Year goals are job-related then all the better –  as we can definitely help you achieve these goals!
Just give the Dovetail team a call – it’s the third day back in the office and it’s crazy busy.

We’d love to hear your New Year resolutions and goals and the more unusual the better!
Do tell us :0)

Originally posted Jan 19

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