Interview Tips: Aptitude Tests

Interview tips Aptitude tests
If you’re in the process of looking for a new job then depending on how far in the process you are, you’ve probably:
….So what’s left?
One thing you might want to think about is doing is some aptitude test practice.
Of course, not all companies use aptitude tests as part of their interview process, so this certainly depends on the sorts of companies you’re applying to. It’s normally the larger corporate companies which are more likely to use them as an initial screening technique – so only do this if these are the roles you’re applying for.
I’ve been for a few interviews in my time and one area that has cropped up again and again over the years and never goes out of fashion are the infamous Psychometric tests or Aptitude tests.
If you’ve never done these tests, then you’ve had a lucky escape. I’d say I’ve got a bit of a like/hate relationship with them. It may well depend on how your brain is wired, if you like them or not, but they can be quite satisfying in a geeky sort of way. If you’re not being tested under timed conditions, I’d even go so far to say there’s an element of enjoyment to be had. Bit of a twinge of SM-ism here I hear you say, but bear with me.
Aptitude Tests – Don’t Panic!
When you first look at them, there’s a slight sense of panic, you feel like you’ve got to kick start your brain a little, as it’s probably been a while since you’ve looked at anything like this and to be honest who really has the time normally?
Thankfully, you can get hold of practice tests online so you can get the hang of the style of questions before you do the real thing. And this is vital. If you’ve ever watched Only Connect, (again a bit geeky I know – sorry!) but some of their questions use a similar format, so give it a go!
There are a few variations in the style of Aptitude tests you might be asked to do – including numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning, diagrammatic reasoning, Situational Judgement and many more. Here are few places you can find some practice tests for free.
Once you’ve got your practice tests under your belt and you’re feeling a bit more confident in the styles of questions to expect, then you’re ready to do the real test.
Lock yourself away somewhere where you won’t be disturbed and go for it.
Brain training – just for pleasure?
I have been tempted to just try some of the Brain training exercises just for pleasure – if you like that sort of thing then there’s so many to choose from these days. Brain Training exercises or Cognitive training has been very popular for years and there are a whole range of apps you can download too. Nintendo are well known for their brain training games and you can even test your brain age.
The Telegraph also have a Brain Age test – why not try it now!? With the increased awareness of mental health recently alongside the rise in Dementia and Alzheimers, we’ve realised the importance of keeping our minds fit, as well as our bodies!
So, there’s no better time to start working those brain muscles!
Magnetic Memory Method
Telegraph – Brain Training Hacks
Practice Aptitude Tests
Assessment Day
Image Credit:
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay
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Tags: Interview tips aptitude tests