HR & Business News – Nov 18

In case you’ve been too busy working :0) we’ve rounded up the key headlines in HR and Business News in Dorset, the South and across the UK.
Keeping you up-to-date with what’s going on in the world of work, business and HR.
30 Nov
Personnel Today: Single parents are the largest underutilised talent pool in UK
28 Nov
The Guardian: My Arts degree hasn’t made my fortune, but its value is incalculable
27 Nov
The Guardian: One in four UK workers covered by national living wage underpaid
26 Nov
BournemouthEcho: The Retirement Cafe is hosted by Justin King of the Christchurch-based retirement planner MFP Wealth Management
The podcast aims to answer questions people ask themselves in “3am moments” – such as what kind of care they would want if the time came, whether they are making the most of their time, what kind of funeral would be right for them and whether they can afford to live the lifestyle they want for another 30 years.
HR News: Why Mentors are a must
Navigating a career and all the challenges and opportunities that come with it can sometimes feel like a minefield. Having a mentor to offer guidance, share first-hand experience or simply act as a sounding board to bounce ideas off is a brilliant way of helping people to learn and manage their goals.
PersonnelToday: 88-year-old NHS worker sues for age discrimination
An 88-year-old secretary is suing the NHS for age discrimination after she was dismissed from her post at the Royal Berkshire Hospital.
PersonnelToday: 2019 statutory pay rates revealed
The Government has published the statutory rates for maternity pay, paternity pay, shared parental pay, adoption pay and sick pay from April 2019.
HRNews: Gen Z: Blurring the Lines between Work and Play
A nationwide study from leading workplace consultants, Peldon Rose, reveals that the expectations of Generation Z (aged 18-24) are blurring the lines between work and play more than ever before with 65% stating a fun environment is essential for a good company culture compared with only 22% of Baby Boomers (aged 55+) and half of employees (50%) nationally.
23 Nov
PersonnelToday: Half of employers don’t know that many unpaid internships are illegal
As many as half of employers are not aware that most unpaid internships are likely to be illegal, research has revealed, as MPs prepare to debate a ban on unpaid placements over four weeks in length.
The Guardian: 1,000 state schools have no applicants to elite career schemes
Applications to graduate-entry positions at leading law, finance and management firms reveal an “unrecognised apartheid” among England’s state schools
22nd Nov
PersonnelToday: Business leaders targeted in teacher recruitment drive
The government is to help fund a series of programmes aimed at getting career-changers to become teachers, in a bid to get more experienced business leaders into the profession.
19th Nov Want To Increase Your Leadership Effectiveness? Be Humble
BournemouthEcho: Care worker launches online platform for industry
HR News: Costa Coffee has launched Virtual Reality to train new staff ahead of the busy Christmas period.
HR News: Two in Five Job-Seekers are Being Hired into New Roles with the Wrong Soft Skills to be Successful
The Guardian: How can I overcome imposter syndrome?
The Guardian: Thousands of UK workers denied toilet access, says Unitet
18th Nov 18
The Guardian: Life expectancy is rising but Britons are being encouraged to retire early. That’s both ridiculous and costly, says an expert
The Guardian: Make mental health as important as first aid, say business leaders
17th Nov
The Guardian: Firms that operate a four-day week with no cut in pay or benefits, as proposed last week by John McDonnell, can see improvements in staff morale and health as well as revenue
16th Nov
Bournemouth Echo: Bosses in the digital sector are struggling to recruit more women, after a report highlighted a “worrying” lack of diversity at senior level.
Bournemouth Echo: A scheme aimed at providing more than 17,000 new fully trained construction workers by March 2020 was launched today by the government.
PersonnelToday: Tech firms lag behind FTSE 100 on executive diversity
PersonnelToday: A quarter of people in England live with two or more mental or physical health conditions, the charity The Health Foundation has found.
PersonnelToday: Over-50s least comfortable talking about mental health at work
15th Nov
PersonnelToday: Sedentary workers who are active outside working hours still at risk
14th Nov
Bournemouth Echo: Award for Sunseeker founders Robert and John Braithwaite How To Be A Great Mentee And Mentor
9th Nov
Bournemouth Echo: Salad opening London office
6th Nov
Bournemouth Echo: 80,000 jobs and an economy twice the size in Dorset LEP plan
View the Dorset’s Economic Ambition Report
5th Nov
Bournemouth Echo: Bournemouth start-up businesses have access to “phenomenal talent”, with the town set to attract more people looking to leave London for a better lifestyle.
Thanks as always to our news sources:
The Guardian, Personnel Today, HR News, Forbes, The Independent, Bournemouth Echo.