How (NOT) to Work From Home

Wondering how not to work from home? We all need a little something extra to lift our spirits at the moment! For some, working from home is the norm and their fully set up and ready to go on as normal. For others of us, that’s not the case. Make-shift work stations, cats who like keyboards and growing a bad moustache is the new norm.

Without further ado, here’s how (NOT) to work from home. We have included pictures and videos at the bottom for reference.

  1. Get a cat who enjoys laying on your keyboard.
  2. Lock yourself in a small room and don’t let yourself out until you’ve done at least 8 hours of work. No loo breaks.
  3. Constantly have your mobile on loud, your friends might be talking about something important. It won’t distract you.
  4. Have a small child who you need to look after and you can’t put into nursery because they’re all shut
  5. Wear pyjamas all day – you’re not going out so why bother getting dressed?
  6. If you’re wearing pyjamas, you may as well work from your bed. You definitely won’t fall asleep.
  7. Get a dog that won’t let you stop stroking him.
  8. Continuously eat and form a strong bond with your fridge

*This post was published in jest and is not serious advice for any of our candidates or clients – in fact, it’s quite the opposite of what they should do!

work from home

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