Get your Skates on

If you haven’t seen the latest figures from our Job Market Report summary, there’s no time to hang about if you want the top talent for your team.
Over the last few weeks, we’ve had a flurry of speedy placements and I apologise for the cliché but it’s just oh so true – the early bird definitely catches the worm, especially with the current candidate skills shortage.
If you’re a client that knows what you want from a candidate, and know just what your team needs in terms of skills, experience and personality – don’t hang about.
Recently, on a few occasions, we’ve had a new job come in, on a Monday usually – sent candidates details out to our client the same day, got the interviews booked in by the Wednesday and the Client has offered our candidate the job on the Friday.
We love it when that happens and if you can do this – it’s the best way for you to grab the top talent for your team yourselves.
Get your Skates on
Get them booked in, get them interviewed and make your decision quickly. If you move quickly and make decisions quickly – your candidate won’t have time to be tempted away to other companies and their offers.
There’s no tricky negotiation battles where you have to entice your candidate with a better benefits package, salary and overall offering.
The best talent is getting harder and harder to come by, so don’t hang around if you can possibly avoid it – they will be snapped up by your competitors before you have time to blink.
Call us on 01202 424 824 to discuss your recruitment needs today.