Dovetail Celebrate 8 Year Anniversary

The Dovetail Team

Dovetail Celebrate 8 Year Anniversary in Finding the Perfect Fit

Was it really 8 years ago that I started Dovetail Recruitment in a little room at the back of my friend’s bed shop – ‘Beds r Uzz’ in Southbourne.  Just me, a desk, a phone and my trusty PC – thinking where do I start?!!  Six months later recruitment fell off the cliff into deep recession, but I dug in deep and persevered as I am not one to give up.

Business grew steadily, and I am delighted to say clients that came on board in the early days – well established Bournemouth companies, in Financial Services and FMCG sectors -are loyal and valued clients of ours today – eight years later.

Dovetail ‘s High Note
Dovetail has grown year on year and, I am happy to tell you we completed our best ever year in April.  We have already over achieved our quarter 1 target which finishes at the end of July,and we are well on the way to meeting our August and September targets.

All this success could not have been achieved without my team, Francesca, Tiffany, Samantha and Jennifer who work really hard in getting the best for our clients and candidates. Balancing these two successfully is Dovetail’s forte, and something we all pride ourselves on and we call finding the ‘perfect fit’.

We are out celebrating on Friday with a few glasses of bubbles – well deserved I think!

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