Video: Difficult interview questions

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We’ve pulled together some top tips on how to answer those difficult interview questions in the next instalment of our career tip videos.

You’ve impressed with your CV and made it to the interview, now’s your chance to shine and make an impact. Make sure you’re prepared for those tricky questions that can crop up. Don’t be caught out and do your preparation with our help, so you can give them your best answer and increase your chances of success.

Career Tips Video #4 – How to answer difficult interview questions

We’ve all been in that horrible position when you’re sitting in an interview, things are going well and then suddenly boom – you’re faced with a question you haven’t thought about. You can’t even think of a reasonable answer and your mind has gone blank as the panic sets in.

What is it that your interviewer is looking for, how can you show them you’re the best candidate for the job? Every answer is an opportunity to sell yourself, so make sure you listen to Laura’s advice to help you do well.

Related Videos:
How to do well in interviews
How to make your job application stand out
How to nail your next sales interview
Graduate CV Advice

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