Christmas Opening Times

Christmas Opening Times

  Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2015!   Please note, we close for Christmas on Christmas Eve at 12.00pm and reopen on Monday 5th January 2015 at 8.30am. Please feel free to leave us a voicemail or email us during that time and one of the team will get back to you in the

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Technology Threatens 1 in 3 Jobs

Technology Threatens 1 in 3 Jobs

A recent report has revealed that 35% of jobs could be replaced with technology within the next 20 years. The jobs most at risk are those with repetitive duties; administrative support, sales production and construction were all defined as being ‘high risk’ and those most likely to be replaced by automated devices. However, it was

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Placements Rise Further, But Rate of Growth Slows Again Amid Candidate Shortages

Placements Rise Further, But Rate of Growth Slows Again Amid Candidate Shortages

A new report published today by the REC has revealed that although the number of  placements has been continuously rising – they have started to decline due to candidate shortages. November saw a rise in the number of people placed in permanent jobs, however, the rate of growth moderated further, reaching its slowest for one

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Too Tattooed For Work?

Too Tattooed For Work?

With 1 in 5 Britons now having a tattoo, it doesn’t come as a surprise that tattoos are making their mark on the workplace. However, there are increasing reports of employees feeling discriminated against and almost victimised due to their tattoos. The Equality Act 2010 states that it is possible to discriminate at the recruitment

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