20% of Candidates Would Turn Down A Job Due To A Bad Manager

A fifth of candidates would turn down a job offer if they were aware that their new manager had a bad reputation.

A survey of 2,000 employees also found that those who felt they were being poorly managed would be more likely to quit their job rather than bring the issue up with the HR Department.

Additionally, one in seven candidates said they have taken sick leave due to a bad manager, with 25% admitting that bad bosses had caused them to lose sleep. A further 21% stated that their manager had made them cry or become upset within the workplace.

It needs to be ensured that organisations are aware that their management team is an integral part of their employee brand, and regardless of the impressive benefits package, salary, work life balance and development opportunities, if the management team isn’t working as expected, it will cause a serious impact on their ability to attract and retain talent.

Although the research highlights negative consequences of bad managers, it has also found that employees try and make the best of bad situations, with 17% saying they have learned more from poor managers than good ones.

27% of candidates stated that they have had a good manager who has made them realise that they can achieve more, and a further 25% have had a manager who inspired them to further their career.

Over 20% of candidates also credited a good manager with helping them to view things differently, and a further 16% said a good boss has helped them to overcome confidence issues.

From this, it is clear that a better reputation and capability of managers for leading and developing their teams, lead to the most talented and aspiring employees who portray loyalty to their employer. Organisations should therefore view their management as an untapped source of competitive advantage in the war for talent which will become an increasing challenging battle in 2015.

Source: ri5.co.uk

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