Counteroffers on the Rise as 2015 becomes a Candidate’s Market

Counteroffers on the Rise as 2015 becomes a Candidate’s Market

With recruitment returning to pre-recessionary levels, the best candidates are now receiving multiple offers and counteroffers as businesses recognise that the talent pool is shrinking. New research has found that 65% of UK finance leaders have seen an increase in counteroffers with 20% stating they have seen a significant increase. Not only is the number

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Dorset’s Unemployed More Likely to go Straight Back to Work than Anywhere Else in Britain

Dorset’s Unemployed More Likely to go Straight Back to Work than Anywhere Else in Britain

People in Dorset who lose their jobs are more likely to be able to walk straight into another role than people anywhere else in the country, it is claimed. The South West has the lowest unemployment rate of any UK region – with 50,000 fewer unemployed than last year. The number of people on Jobseeker’s Allowance

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It Really Pays To Have Friends!

It Really Pays To Have Friends!

 We at Dovetail Recruitment are looking for talented sales and marketing candidates! Do you have that talent in your network of friends, family or colleagues?  If you know someone who is currently working in Sales or Marketing and they would be interested in finding out about new opportunities available, you could earn up to £250!

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Job interview questions to avoid

Five Questions to Avoid at Job Interviews

Sometimes asking inappropriate or unprofessional questions is worse than not asking any questions at all and can send the wrong signals to the hiring manager – here are the Job Interview questions to avoid asking. We want you to nail your next interview, and in order to avoid awkward situations and help avoid asking the

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