Top Tips for The Day after the Office Party

Dovetail Christmas Party

So, the Office party is in sight, you’ve got your outfit ready, worn in your shoes if they’re new, sorted out your transport to get home and you’ve packed a pair of flats :0)

But have you thought about how to survive the day after the office party?

Today is our day after the office party and we’re actually doing ok! Here are a few photos, I especially love the one of our ever reliable team mascot bear who can’t resist but get involved!


You may have great foresight and booked the day after as holiday (Laura!)– depending on how crazy your office party gets! Or like many of us, you’re short of holiday and need to go into the office as usual.

So how to make sure you survive the day after the office party?

Depending on how bad you’re feeling, …pick and choose from the list below!

  1. DO: Before you go to bed, take some paracetamol and drink LOTS of water
  2. DO: Squeeze in as much sleep as you can
  3. DON’T wear contact lenses, make sure you have glasses – as your eyes are dehydrated
  4. DO: Wear something comfortable, especially your footwear. Feet are often still recovering from the heels the night before. Hopefully it’ll tie in with a dress down Friday
  5. DRINK: Barocca or vitamin C boost drink first thing in the morning.
  6. EAT: Cereal, Tea + Toast
  7. TAKE: Huge flask of coffee to get me into the office, Lip balm, Make up bag – to reduce the impact of the night before as much as is possible!
  8. TAKE: Large water bottle and some paracetamol – just in case.
  9. DON’T be late and DEFINITELY turn up (at previous companies colleagues’ have failed to make an appearance – and this does not go down well!)
  10. TAKE: Make sure you’ve got the fuel you need to maintain performance at work through the day – my choices would be, e.g. mid-morning snack, savoury – bacon or sausage sandwiches are normally at the top of my list and of course MORE COFFEE!Thank you Fran for treating us to Bacon sandwiches this morning!
  1. DRINK: Lots of water through the day + fizzy drinks
  2. HAVE a good lunch – if you’re really struggling a burger may be attractive, there’s really only one camp to be in – greasy junk food, Pizza, Chinese…I could carry on, ooh big pasta.
  3. DO pre-plan your day so you have an easier to-do list, try to clear your diary so you don’t have any big meetings, or presentations to attend.Types of work you could do, research, competitor analysis, planning, admin tasks

    DO NOT have yourself nominated for a charity ‘Pigs in Blankets’ fun run where you dress up as a pig and run down the high street wearing a blanket! Look out for photos on our instagram or facebook!

But seriously, I’m laughing at the prospect, it will be hilarious and it’s all for the great Save the Children cause.

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