10 Ways to be Successful in Your New Job

Congratulations on your new job!
Your first day is crucial! It could be the start of the rest of your life… or it could be the beginning of a routine much similar to your old job, where every day feels pretty much the same and not really getting anywhere.
In order to avoid this, here are 10 ways to start your job differently and be able to stand out within your team or company which can be very beneficial in the future,
1. Behave as though you are still in the interview.
After being hired by a company, it is completely natural to feel a rush of self accomplishment and feel you belong – but just remember, you haven’t actually done anything for the new company yet. Therefore, you need to prove that you deserve this job!
Treat the first 30-90 days within your job as an extended interview. Every day when you show up to work prove that you deserved to be hired. This way you will work harder, smarter and won’t take your new opportunity for granted! Your work ethics will most likely be recognised and your efficiency could help you to develop your position within the company at a fast pace.
2. See your Manager as a person you help! Not someone who just tells you what to do.
In theory, your manager is entitled to tell you what to do – but that is very unlikely to be the reason why you were hired!
Instead, see it as though your manager has things to do, your job is to help those things get done. The more you can help with your manager’s targets and goals, the more you will be valued.
3. Build relationships based upon performance – not conversation.
Feeling welcomed into the company is great! Employees can go out of their way to talk with you and make you feel like part of the team. It’s also a great way to make new friends – but always remember work is work! Be nice and friendly, and always be you – but remember that the best working relationships are built on respect and trust which are based on actions and performance – not solely words.
Try and prove yourself, pitch in and help out. Always make sure to follow through and meet every commitment. This way you will earn the respect and trust of others, which in turn will help to build great professional relationships as well as friendships.
4. Go the extra mile early – and often!
When you have just started your new job, you are unlikely to have all the skills, experience, contacts and connections you need yet. But hard work will help these things to fall into place quicker and early on – the earlier you can do it, the sooner you can get on with your job.
To do this, you need to work hard and those around you are likely to forgive a lack of skill and experience and they will be able to see that you are working hard and trying to better yourself.
5. Spot the high performers – and mimic them.
All organisations are different – which means that the key attributes of the top performers within the organisations are different as well.
These key attributes could include working more hours, being flexible with hours or being able to build effective relationships quickly. Whatever the key attributes are, study them and figure out what makes them tick. Find out how their work – including how they approach problems, make decisions and develop them and use these to better yourself at work and show you are willing to do whatever it takes to succeed within the company.
6. Think ahead…
Always remember, your current move builds a base for your future – think about where that particular task could lead you or how you can develop your current responsibilities. Think about the skills you could acquire as well as the connections you could build and visibility you could gain – each task, project and job you carry out can lead to so many different possibilities.
7. Stand out!
To be known, you need to stand out and be known for something specific. You could be known for responding quickly or following up first or always offering to help before being asked. Whatever your way of standing out, make sure that it will be beneficial to the company and employees and work as hard as you can to show that you excel within that particular area. This will ensure that you stand out in the best way possible.
8. Create your own project.
It’s expected that you will succeed or even excel the projects you’re assigned – but it will be seen as exceptional if you excel at a project you create yourself!
It could be risky to create your own project; therefore you will need to ensure that the company and your colleagues will not suffer from any failed projects or implications. For example, do it in your own time, stay late and work on it, this way you aren’t costing the company anything.
You don’t need to wait to be asked or assigned a project. You can just pick a side project – you never know how it will turn out and what it could do for your career.
9. Help people.
Although you will be the ‘newbie’, you can still offer your help to your colleagues. Even if they have to explain what you need to do, it is highly likely they will appreciate the help or even just the offer.
This can help to better your knowledge of the company and areas in the company as well as boost your career and give you an insight into your future working there and other sectors of the company you may wish to move into in the future.
10. Never forget why you were hired.
It is possible to fulfil your goals and the company’s goals. This should be your goal! To meet your goal – whether it may be to learn and grow, to build a career or feel happy in a job, as well as the company’s! It’s a win-win situation.