Two Thirds of Graduates Unhappy in First Job

A new report has shown that two out of three graduates regret accepting job offers immediately with one in four revealing that they plan to leave their first employer within a year of being there.

Employers insist that they can’t locate the graduate talent they need for roles within their companies even though billions of pounds are being invested each year in the UK. On the other hand, graduates are claiming to struggle to find a job and/or employer that can motivate them and makes their role enjoyable.

It has been found that around 20% of graduates apply for jobs which do not interest them just so they can secure their first job and have something to be able to put on their CV rather than continuing to search for a career they desire properly first.

But, it isn’t just graduates that are causing the situation – employers aren’t helping either. They are starting to use attraction methods which appeal to a wide range of candidates rather than just appropriate candidates in order to find the ‘top’ graduate. Therefore, the approach to hiring needs to be reconsidered as businesses wasted £112 million in 2013 chasing high numbers of graduates who then go on to leaving the company within their first year.

Source: HR Grapevine

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