The Changing Employment Market

The Changing Employment Market

How things change in the employment industry!  Some twelve months ago it was very much a candidate led market in this area with unemployment as low as 1.5%.  Now we are reading ever more frequently of redundancies across many aspects of local industry.

Out of economic necessity, companies are looking to reduce costs and staffing levels are invariable the first to be scrutinised.  This results in more staff seeking  jobs  but fewer vacancies around now that local unemployment is rising.

So how should those unfortunate  job seekers best go about finding that new position!

Obviously your CV is your first exposure to an employer.  Having been in recruitment for many years I know how important a good CV is to ensure a prospective employer notices you.  I never ceased to be amazed at the poor quality of CVs that are put forward.

Here are some thoughts on putting together a CV that hopefully will get you noticed:-

Think about the position you are applying for and what aspects of your CV need to stand out in relation to this position

  • Spend some time ensuring that your CV is informative in relation to the key requirements of the job you are applying.
  • Write a short profile of yourself at the top of the CV.  Your strengths, what you could bring to a prospective employers business.
  • Never be afraid to look on-line for suggestions – or ask your agency to assist.
  • List your qualifications and your work experience with the most recent first.  Do not omit anything – but keep it relevant and to the point.
  • Unless you are going for a particular creative role which specifically requires detail – keep your CV clear and no more than 2 pages.  Primarily use the space to sell yourself to the position being advertised.
  • For each job you apply for, re-read your CV as if you were the employer.  You may need to highlight some particular skill or experience which the employer will value.
  • Before applying for a vacant position ask yourself  “do I have the skills required?”  Do not waste time and money on blanket coverage with a standard CV and hope it will stick.  It won’t!
  • Be organised.  Keep a list of your applications with closing dates etc. and keep track of the process.  A good Agency will do this for you.  Don’t be afraid to follow-up with a polite phone call, e-mail or letter to the prospective  employer or to your agency.

Above all else – stay enthusiastic!  Easier said than done in these times but you have to keep at each application with a high level of enthusiasm – and confidence.  Never show frustration to a prospective employer or Agency – it can’t help.

Even in these difficult times there are vacancies out there.  Try and give yourself the best possible chance of getting selected.

If I can help in any way please forward your questions to the Bournemouth Echo.

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