mind the gap - in gender pay

Mind the Gap…in Gender Pay!

Do you know what your male counterparts are earning? We all saw the headlines yesterday when the BBC revealed its top earners, showing the inequalities between gender.  Does this go against the grain for the UK, or is it showcasing an endemic issue that we haven’t managed to overcome in the 21st century?! The gov.uk

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UK Construction Industry

UK Construction industry – good news & bad news!

The Construction industry is in a state of uncertainty at the moment. Do you want the good news or the bad news? Do you ever get the feeling the UK isn’t maximising it’s chances of economic success..? The construction industry has experienced continued growth over the last 2 years and if it continues as predicted

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employer perks and benefits

So, what about employer perks & benefits?

The Sunday Times recently published 4 new surveys on the best companies to work for in the UK. Proud local moment: 6 Dorset companies were listed across the 4 surveys, with 3 in the top 25 of  ‘The top 100 companies to work for in the UK’. No. 1 – the local Christchurch company, 4com, No. 13 – Churchill Retirement

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