Don’t go from Hero to Zero

Secure the right job offer, jobs in dorset, jobs in bournemouth

As the recruitment market continues to be dominated by the shortage of skilled professional candidates, it’s really important not to lose your focus in your job search. As recruiters, it’s our job to help our candidates secure the right job and find their next career move. Hopefully their ideal job.

So, it can be frustrating when you’ve worked with candidates on their job search, found them the job opportunities that match perfectly with their job requirements and spent time talking through it all with them. Making sure this is the role your candidate is passionate about and that it fits with their future work/life plans.
You’ve ensured both the client and candidate are happy with the process, how the interview/s have gone and how the application is progressing.

Then, something goes wrong.

a) The candidate simply disappears
Surprisingly this happens more often than you might think! After having met them, had numerous conversations and built a good rapport – your phone calls are no longer returned, and the emails go unanswered.

b) The candidate decides to walk away
We are all big and ugly enough to make our own decisions, but we really like our candidates to have ALL of the facts and information about a job, so they can make an informed decision. Frustratingly, we do get candidates who decide a job is not for them, sometimes before having all of the facts and details. Always look at the long-term prospects of a career opportunity, it’s not always as simple as the salary figures.

c) The candidate becomes overconfident and it all goes a bit pear-shaped

Sadly, we’ve seen this happen a few times recently and it’s so disheartening as a recruitment consultant.

When you’re looking for your new job, start getting the interviews and then receive the much-anticipated job offer, make sure you take every job offer seriously and certainly don’t take any of them with a pinch of salt.

We often see candidates in the position of having multiple job offers, which leads them to try to negotiate a package or packages upwards which in itself is not a bad thing. But throughout the negotiation process, you must tread carefully and be realistic with your salary expectations. It’s a delicate balancing act, especially when there are several parties involved and each of them are waiting for a decision. If you don’t handle this situation right, you could end up with no offer.

Employers are keen to get the right person, especially when there’s a shortage of talent out there, but they also don’t want to be messed about or you could find yourself in a worst-case scenario of going from multiple job opportunities to none.
It’s a rare occurrence, but it has happened on the odd occasion, where an employer can actually withdraw an interview invitation or an employment offer. So, make sure you give yourself the best chance to secure the right job! Here are some pointers to help you ensure you get the right job offer.

Tips on how to secure the right job

  • Be clear – Know what you want in your new job from the start of your job search, i.e. Salary, Hours, Location
  • Be focused – Only pursue jobs you are passionate about, you don’t want to be going through the job search process again in 6 months time.
  • Be organised – Make sure you can be available for interviews and do the appropriate preparation.
  • Be ready – Make sure you have the right outfit, i.e. you can be suited and booted, this is still the norm.
  • Be reliable – Don’t chop and change days or times if you can help it
  • Be realistic -Sometimes a new job is a stepping stone to your ultimate goals
  • Be honest – Transparency is key, if you’re not interested in a role, just say so. Make sure you tell us what you want, what you really really want :0). This is the only way we can get you a job you’re passionate about.
  • Be open-minded – Don’t be put off by job title or company. Many companies undergo great transformations in a few years, don’t be put off by what you’ve heard from others. Make the judgement for yourself. One shoe does not fit all, a company that doesn’t work for one person, is the perfect fit for someone else.
  • Think long-term – It’s not just about the ££, review the package and benefits on offer. Consider the job prospects and progression available within the company.

Related Dovetail Articles:

Video: Difficult interview questions
Video: How to make your job application stand out
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