REVEALED: Top Office Distractions

A new survey released reveals that workers in Britain only work for around 22 minutes at a time before being distracted. This results in 70 unproductive working days a year!

Alongside this, the causes of distraction were also looked at – the top distractions are as follows:

  • Loud Talkers – 57%
  • Ringing Phones – 39%
  • Unnecessary Meetings – 26%
  • Constant Emails – 22%
  • Making Tea Rounds – 19%
  • Office Gossip – 16%
  • People Typing Loudly – 12%

22% of British workers believe that they would be more productive and less distracted if they worked from home – however, the survey shows that distraction still  occurs – the top distraction workers find when they work from home are:

  • Roomates/Family Members – 36%
  • Housework – 36%
  • Television – 24%
  • Pets – 15%

Furthermore, it was found that these distraction in the workplace are costing the British economy somewhere in the region of £250 million each year. This is a huge loss to the UK economy so it is important that businesses recognise that having the right mix of technology in the workplace and fully enabling mobile working can positively impact employee productivity and engagement.


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