Meet the Recruiter – Laura

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As some of you may be new around here, we thought we’d make it a little more personal and do a Q&A with Laura and Suzi so you can ‘meet the recruiter’! So without further ado, here we go.

Let’s meet the recruiter, our Director of Finance & Administration, Laura, is up first.

How did you get into recruitment?

meet the recruiterTo be honest, I just fell into it. While I was at Uni, I had a part time job in Hatton Garden at a jewellers – A&S. (Highly recommend them by the way, not that I’m bias!) I graduated from City University London in 2015 and stayed on for an extra year at A&S to work full time. I loved it but missed my family and partner in Bournemouth. So I phoned Dovetail and they were helping me with some applications and then offered me a chance to interview for the Trainee Recruitment Consultant role. The rest, as they say, is history, and here I am four years later.

So what is your best recruitment memory so far?

Hmm, that’s a real tough one. There have been some amazing moments and getting someone a job is always the best feeling. I think some of the best memories are when we’ve worked as a team on a vacancy and been invested in a candidate who finally gets the role they’ve been waiting for.

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Funniest recruitment memory?

Oh wow, I’ve got some good ones here. I actually have a small note book of funny things that have happened so if I’m ever having a bad day I can have a giggle. Definitely the best was the time a lady walked in, sat down and got really confused when we asked her to fill out a registration form. Turns out, she had an appointment for the dentist next door!

Favourite phrase you’ve heard?

I loved it when a candidate said ‘My job is to sell the sizzle not the sausage’ and then proceeded to say ‘give me a phone and I’m dangerous’. That’s one way to sell yourself as a sales person!

Worst moment?

Can the pandemic count as a whole moment? Well it does now!

recruitment agency dorset & hampshire


Favourite sector to recruit for?

Definitely FMCG. The diversity, the pace, the different roles, I love it all. We’re lucky enough to have a fair amount of FMCG clients so my knowledge is ever growing and I find it fascinating.


Childhood dream job?

I know I wanted to be a vet at one point. Before I realised how much you had to enjoy science…meet the recruiter

If you weren’t a recruiter, what would you be doing?

Hmm possibly something marketing related? I’m not sure! Or possibly teaching music.

Prefer home or office working?

Overall I prefer the office. It’s become a 2nd home anyway. The odd day working from home is ok every now and again, but I wouldn’t go back to how things were during lockdown!

Are you a tidy desk or messy desk person?

It really depends on how much time I have. I’m a pen and paper type of girl and that can have an impact to this!

Tea or Coffee?

Coffee until the 3rd cup, then I switch to peppermint tea to avoid the shakes!

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Any Hobbies?

Anything music. I play the piano and flute hence the music degree, and can carry a tune or two. In the summer, I love going to the beach and doing some paddleboarding. I also love swimming regularly with the occasional running spree. And on a nice spring day you can’t beat a bit of gardening. And I do like a bit of travelling. My Finacé Jonathan and I have also just added a new family member – Nala the Fox Red Labrador. She is our bundle of joy and also loves our beach trips and long walks. She’s a bit too little at the moment, but we will soon have her on the paddleboard!




Thanks Laura, you can go back to work now! Next up in our meet the recruiter blog is Suzi! Tune in next month.

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