HR & Work News – March 19

Keeping you up to date with HR & Work Bournemouth news.
We’ve gathered the latest headlines in HR & Work Bournemouth, Dorset and across the UK.
31st March
The Guardian: What could be better than unlimited paid vacation, well this
30th March
The Guardian: The pay of average workers is to be cut by nearly £400. Good
29th March
PersonnelToday: Graduate gender pay gap: Men earn 15% more than women
PersonnelToday: Revealed: People working in human resources and recruitment have the worst phone etiquette in the country
28th March
Bournemouth Echo: Forum encourages wellbeing at work
27th March
Bournemouth Echo: Lush is among the best retailers to work for
26th March
Forbes: ‘Why Do You Want This Job?’ Is A Trick Question–Here Is How To Intelligently Answer It
Forbes: Retirement In Your Future? Don’t Become A Failed Retiree
Forbes: Seven Questions To Ask Yourself About The Four-Letter Word Leaders Love To Use
WEForum: 5 leadership lessons I learned from doing my own ‘undercover boss’
25th March
Personnel Today: Apprenticeship levy underpayment investigations more than double
Bournemouth Echo: LV= plans to stop being friendly society as pre-tax profits plunge
Forbes: The Age Of Automation Is Here: How To Navigate The New World Of Work
The Guardian: Extreme loneliness or the perfect balance? How to work from home and stay healthy
The Guardian: ‘I’m an Orkney librarian driving to a school when a wave engulfs my van’
22nd March
The Guardian: A woman’s work is never done: twice as many still going at 65
Bournemouth Echo: Privacy and data risks discussed at Adido 20:20 debate
Personnel Today: Unleash 2019: How to make work ‘romantic’ again
21st March
The Guardian: The depressing truth about female creativity and the pram in the hallway
20th March
Forbes: Five Subtle Signs You Have A Bad Manager
WEForum: Which countries are best at attracting high-skilled workers?
18th March
Business Insider: 2 snap judgments people make when they meet you — and how to overcome them
Forbes: Failing By Degrees: Why College Grads Need Non-College Grads To Succeed
HR News: Freelancer or permanent employee? The biggest ambiguity in HR
Personnel Today: Business lacks transparency over parental support
Bournemouth Echo: Friends set up business to coach entrepreneurs
Forbes: How Do We Feel About Working Next To Robots?
17th March
The Guardian: ‘It’s like a family’: the restaurant staff who stay in the same job for decades
15th March
Bournemouth Echo: Tom Keeping founded digital business at 16
14th March
Bournemouth Echo: Late payments ‘close 50,000 small businesses a year’
Personnel Today: Intuition ‘very important’ in recruitment for nine in 10 leaders
Personnel Today: How inviting feedback can drive a positive candidate experience
13th March
Forbes: Three Things That Will Drive Your Best Employees Out The Door
The Guardian: Is this the age of the four-day week?
Bournemouth Echo: Lower-skilled ‘have better prospects in Bournemouth’
11th March
Personnel Today: UK must act to boost skills or face ‘perfect storm’ of decline
Business Insider: Tesla’s decision to close all its stores and sell cars online only sounds crazy — but it might be brilliant
HR News: Revealed: The Most and Least Stressful Jobs
Business Insider: Up to 1,000 vehicle repair companies could collapse within 2 weeks of a no-deal Brexit
HR News: Is the office lounge the new boardroom?
HR News: Over half of millennials want to use mobile for admin, with only 35% of businesses catching on
HR News: The statistical signs your employees will jump ship
8th March
Personnel Today: International Women’s Day: we need better balance in the workplace
Business Insider: The gender wage gap strikes every age group, but it’s especially hard on older women
Personnel Today: Men’s parental leave is key to women’s progression
Personnel Today: Apprenticeships should be opened up to single parents
Bournemouth Echo: Cobham orders rise as company reveals annual results
7th March
Bournemouth Echo: Record profits at developer Morgan Sindall
Business Insider: 9 mistakes you’re making on LinkedIn that could sabotage your job hunt — and how to fix them
Business Insider: Tyler Oakley applied for a job at Google and got rejected. Now he has a media empire on YouTube
Personnel Today: Candidates apply for peak number of graduate schemes as competition grows
Business Insider: Apple CEO Tim Cook explains why you don’t need a college degree to be successful
Forbes: Why It’s So Important To Close The Female Leadership Gap
HR News: Flexible working should be viewed as a workplace necessity rather than a perk
Personnel Today: How Lloyds Banking Group built agile working into recruitment
The Guardian: ‘I feel so much shame’: inquiry reveals huge extent of workplace harassment
5th March
Bournemouth Echo: High-fliers celebrate big wins at the Dorset Legal Awards
Forbes: BILLIONAIRES: The Richest People in the world 2019
The Guardian: Best of both: how degree-level apprenticeships blend work and study
4th March
Bournemouth Echo: Vintage Citroen van used to serve coffee
Bournemouth Echo: Bournemouth area revealed as a hotspot for new tech firms
HR News: Who you gonna call? How ‘ghosting’ has moved into the workplace
Personnel Today: Criticism of levy mounts as Apprenticeship Week kicks off
The Guardian: ‘I can’t change the traffic lights until a family of swans crosses the road‘
HR News: 4.5 million workers put off seeing a dentist because they don’t have time
HR News: Why nine out of 10 of Brits hide their social media accounts from colleagues
HR News: Fall back in love with your career
3rd March
The Guardian: Business minister unveils plans to ban the use of gagging clauses that prevent employees reporting abuse
1st March
HR News: Brexit: Employers encouraged to provide more &better communications to workers
HR News: The rise of Zero Hours: Yay or Nay?
HR News: Age discrimination blamed as
Personnel Today: Workers did 2 billion hours of unpaid overtime last year
Personnel Today: Freelancer platforms add to global work insecurity
Bournemouth Echo: Top 10 HR questions February 2019: Redundancy,
And in case you missed:
Vogue: Spring Jackets: The Trends To Wear Now
Bournemouth Echo: Revealed: The best local companies to work for
The Guardian: Women working longer hours more likely to be depressed – study
The Guardian: The joy of pettiness: why everyone needs an office nemesis
Thanks to all of our news sources:
Bournemouth Echo, Forbes, HR News, Personnel Today, The Guardian, Vogue, Business Insider