Dovetail Recruitment Quarterly Update

Dovetail Recruitment Quarterly Update

Dovetail Recruitment Quarterly Update

Our latest Dovetail quarterly team meeting was full of landmarks.

Every quarter the Dovetail Recruitment team get together for a business breakfast to review business performance and hand out rewards for key achievements. This time we had to celebrate a few things and Samantha was the star of the show. 

Dovetail Recruitment Quarterly Update - Samantha

Not only did she bring in the most business for the quarter – throwing down the gauntlet!  Laura wasn’t far behind, so she’s got her eyes on the prize for next time! Samantha received vouchers to spend at her favourite destination.
But then,
 we all surprised Samantha with a work anniversary gift, as she celebrates six years of Dovetail this week, meaning she’s second longest just behind Liz :0)

Things to look out for in 2020

Following our support of a recent charity event in December, the renowned Tuckton pigs in Blankets charity race! We’ve now got the bug and Suzi has taken on the role of Events Manager for 2020, alongside her day job! and is in the process of setting up some events for the year. So do look out for what we’re up to. 

We have chosen to do some work with Julia’s house and will be taking part in the £50 challenge – so watch this space.

There are lots of things we’re planning to get involved in, in 2020, including Wave 105’s mission Xmas, beach cleans, possible sleep out, pretty muddy, race for life and bake sales.  We’ll keep you posted!

Company Performance 

It’s good news all round really, as we’re on track to do our yearly target, in fact we’re already 20% up on last year. 

Despite the candidate shortage battle, our applications have increased steadily year on year showing a solid increase to our candidate database – which is proving a great source of talent for us, as this financial year, to date 20% of our placements have come from our own database .

Who’s spotted Easter treats hitting the shops? It won’t be long before we start gearing up to don our Easter Bunny hats and hop over to our clients’ offices delivering Easter treats – so look out! 

It was Amy’s first team meeting like this – we think she enjoyed the croissants and fruit we all dive into. 

And to give you a chuckle here are a few more photos from our recent ‘Pigs in Blankets’ charity run back in December.

Dovetail Recruitment Dorset charity run
 Amy and Lara go head to head

Dovetail's charity run, Dorset
  Amy wins hands down!

Dovetail's charity run, Dorset
    Francesca gets ready…

Tag: Dovetail Recruitment quarterly update

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