Celebrating a Decade of Dovetail

Bournemouth Recruitment Agency

As a boutique Bournemouth recruitment agency, we pride ourselves on sourcing the best candidates and finding them their perfect fit roles with leading successful companies in the local area.
This month we celebrate our 10 year Anniversary.

The Business Magazine, recently interviewed Liz as part of their Working Women feature this month, here it is.

A Decade of Dovetail

Finding the perfect fit for 10 years

An independent, boutique recruitment agency in Hengistbury Head, Bournemouth, Dovetail Recruitment are specialists in permanent, commercial recruitment. Working very closely with their growing client base they find the perfect fit candidates.

Liz Davies, Owner and Director of Dovetail Recruitment celebrates their 10 year anniversary.

Did you always want to have your own business?

Yes I did. When I worked for an independent agency in Christchurch years ago, a then colleague and myself wrote a business plan but did not go through with it at the time, as the twins were still quite small and I did not want to miss out on them because I knew that the responsibility of running a business would take over. My husband had a demanding job and was away quite a lot so we decided the time was not right.

What do you consider to be the greatest challenges for women in business?

Being taken seriously. Never underestimate a determined woman who has a plan!

In your opinion, what are the best qualities that women bring to the working environment?

Well the obvious is that they can multi-task and are able to spin many plates which you need for recruitment. Running a business and a home, you have to adapt quickly and be able to prioritise. There are days where there are physically not enough hours.

What is the best piece of business advice that you have been given?

My husband once said to me “don’t worry what your competitors are doing, it’s all a smoke screen, just concentrate on what you do best and business will come to you” and he was right. I did not get bogged down with what other people said or did. You also need to believe in yourself and say to yourself “I can do this” – I would tell myself that every Monday morning.

What changes would you like to see for working women?

Oh my god where do I start!! There is not enough time for me to answer this one and I would be very controversial.

Why do you think that Dovetail Recruitment has been so successful?

No matter what the other agencies were doing I stuck to my original and traditional ways of recruitment. We always try to interview the candidate face to face and we are thorough, it’s not about throwing 10 CVs to a client and hoping one will stick. So, in a nutshell it is transparency and being professional ALL of the time. Clients are paying a fee and they want a good service, or else they won’t come back.

What has been your best decision in business?

Taking on my staff – I have a great team, we have fun, but we also work hard and all have the same mantra.

Have you always worked in the recruitment industry?

No not always. I was a PA for a Marketing Director and when we all got made redundant, the agency who dealt with the company offered me a job, she said I would be a “natural”. I was unemployed then and had just bought a house so I said yes – thinking I would try it. I never looked back.

Do you intend to expand your business?

Yes, I have plans to expand next year but it’s still under wraps for the moment. We’re recruiting at the moment.

How do you see recruitment changing in the future?

I think the concept will stay the same because busy employers will always want good calibre employees to help drive their businesses. However, it will change how we find them, technology is taking over our lives.

How is Brexit likely to affect your industry?

I think there could be a lull and I would not put all my eggs in one basket. Clients will be keen to keep an eye on costs and may put future-plans on hold; many of them say “it’s business as usual and we are a nation that just gets on with it”. Once we’re out, I think as a nation we will want to prove to the rest of the world that we can manage on our own. When our backs are against the wall is when great ideas and concepts come about. We become more innovative than we already are.

What keeps you motivated after ten years in business?

It’s got to be the people, both my staff and my clients and the buzz when it is all happening. After all these years I still get a kick out of making placements.

How do you relax after a busy day?

Walking my lovely black Labrador Bruce and being with my family and close friends. There might be the odd glass of wine on the Friday!!

See The Business Magazine article – A Decade of Dovetail -Bizmag.co.uk

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