Business & HR News Dorset: Dec 18

See the latest headlines for December 18, bournemouth recruitment news

Keeping you up-to-date with what’s going on in the Bournemouth recruitment news
– here are the latest headlines in business,  HR and the world of work for Dorset, the UK and beyond.

17th December
The Guardian: Dorset needs to be more competitive in an economy which is still “sluggish and relatively flat” following the recession of 2008-09

The Guardian: Workers’ rights? Bosses don’t care – soon they’ll only need robots

The Guardian: Is it ever OK to ghost your job – to leave work one day and never go back?

HR News: Is it because I am black? HR managers debate diversity

PersonnelTodayManufacturers favour apprentices over graduates, says EEF

15th Dec
Personnel TodayNew rights for agency and temporary workers revealed

The Guardian: Barbara Taylor Bradford: ‘Why would I stop working? I live by schedules’

VogueHow to recycle your party dress

HR NewsDo’s and Don’ts at the Office Party

HR News1000s of Business and consumers are victims of a ‘Friday job’?

14th Dec
PersonnelToday: ‘Wages worth third less in some areas than a decade ago’, TUC

PersonnelToday: Could your hiring processes be damaging your employer brand?

PersonnelToday: Ireland on track to end zero-hour contracts

13th Dec
PersonnelToday: Brexit ‘takes bite’ out of City banking vacancies

12th Dec
PersonnelToday: 2019 employment law: eight changes to look out for

Personnel Today: TUC wants 1m new manufacturing and tech jobs by 2030

11th Dec
The GuardianUK workers get biggest pay rise in a decade 

10th Dec
Bournemouth Echo: AIMCommunity is a charitable organisation involved in the arts, education and mentoring.

Bournemouth Echo: Debenhams fashion collection based on designer’s AUB work

The Guardian: City investors call on listed companies to pay living wage

HR News: Five wellbeing trends businesses should look out for in 2019

The Guardian: Human rights for the 21st century: by Margaret Atwood, Reni Eddo-Lodge, Dave Eggers and more

7th Dec
The Guardian: Bias in Britain: what can employers, the government and you do about it?

The Guardian Brexit will hurt low-paid workers. Freedom of movement is not the problem

Personnel Today:Capita to appoint workers to its board

Personnel Today: Drop snobby attitude to technical education’ demands Damian Hinds

Personnel Today: Academics from ethnic minorities experience 26% pay gap

HR News: Two-thirds of 18-35 year old workers have career wanderlust 

5th Dec
Personnel Today: Christmas in the workplace: 10 common employer queries

3rd Dec
The Independent: Ted Baker staff demand end of ‘forced hugging and culture of harassment’

Personnel Today: ‘Total talent management’ could solve the productivity puzzle

Personnel Today: ‘Visa applications for non-EU nationals: What HR needs to know

HR News: Almost three-quarters of employees are doing a job they don’t want to

Personnel Today: Staff question level of mental health support offered by employers

1st Dec
The Independent: Nine in 10 companies say Brexit has made it harder to find staff

The Independent: Jaguar Land Rover to cut 500 jobs at Solihull plant temporarily in run-up to Christmas

The Guardian:  ‘I took a huge salary hit so I can make my daughters my priority’

and in case you missed from November…

30th Nov
Bournemouth Echo: Cherries top of south-west business league

HR News: Professional Gig Economy Booms As War For Digital Talent Intensifies

The Guardian: UK agency workers lose out on £500m a year in missing holiday pay

29th Nov
Bournemouth Echo: Venus Awards should pay back money owed says councillor

Forbes: How Employees Experience Being Fired, And What You Can Learn From It

27th Nov 7 Digital Marketing Jobs That Didn’t Exist 10 Years Ago

Thanks as always to all of our news sources:
Bournemouth Echo, , HR News, Personnel Today, The Independent, The Guardian,

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