Top Tips for a Successful FMCG Sales job Interview

We all know that every interview requires thorough research and preparation to make sure you demonstrate you’re the right person for the job and the company. If you’re looking for FMCG sales jobs in Bournemouth, Dorset or Hampshire – here are our top tips on how to nail the interview.
If you’re applying for a sales job, the sales interview requires one additional thing to other interviews – you need to close your own interview.
We recently had a candidate that gave pretty much a perfect interview for a National Account Manager role.
Listening to feedback from our candidates after an interview, we know they’ve impressed when they tell us they closed their own interview.
It starts to become standard practice when you reach a certain point in your sales career, but if you’re not sure how, here are:
With any interview preparation, you should have researched several questions of your own to ask. This shows that you’re keen and serious about the role and company, and will help you on your way to finding your ultimate FMCG Sales job in Bournemouth or Dorset.
Even better than this, try to ask a question that relates to the information you’ve been given during the interview – this demonstrates you listen well; you can think on your feet; as well as having researched on your own beforehand.
TOP TIP: If the interviewer doesn’t ask for your questions, make sure you take the initiative,
e.g. “Would you mind if I ask you a few questions before we finish?”
Make sure you show your enthusiasm for the position and company throughout the interview process. To force the point home, try to include a few clear and positive remarks about the company and position as well – so there is no doubt you’re very keen and excited about the opportunity.
Towards the end of your interview and you will probably sense it coming, your interviewer will say something along the lines of:
“If you have no further questions, I think that’s all we need from you”.
Key moment here! You can give them more! :0)
Make sure you take advantage of this moment to offer a summary of why you are the right person for the job.
-Summarise your key strengths, and relate them to the key skills they need for this role
-Include four or five reasons why you will be great for the role + show off your knowledge of the company in the process.
E.g. “I’d just like to say that I’m really excited about the role and the prospect of working with your company. I’ve built up a lot of experience in retail already and have a successful background in building profitable relationships in this area and developing key accounts, so I think I’ll quickly be able to make an impact within the team.
You mentioned one of the key projects I’ll be working on is sourcing a new CRM for the company, which is great as I’ve recently done with this for my current company.
I think it’s a great advantage that I’m already familiar with the database and CRM system you use and this will give me a real head start.”
One of the most important parts of your interview. You need to close it, i.e. you need to know if they think you’re right for the job. So take the plunge, here are a couple of ways to nail it!
TOP TIP: Take control and be confident – give the interviewer a chance to share any concerns they might have and you can remove any worries they might have!
e.g. “I believe I’m the right person for this position. Do you have any concerns at all about my suitability for the role?”
“Do you have any hesitations about taking me on?”
When you’re looking for FMCG Sales jobs in Bournemouth, make sure you find out what the next steps are in the process. This will show you are an organised and professional candidate. Go one step better, and try to establish a time frame, so you know what to expect and how and when to follow up.
Related Dovetail articles, to help you find FMCG Sales jobs in Bournemouth
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