Don’t do a Diane, do your interview prep!

We all had a chuckle yesterday, and today, and I probably will tomorrow! :0) when we saw Diane Abbott stumbling around her figures when being interviewed by LBC yesterday….in case you haven’t seen it watch it now!
She gave us the perfect demonstration of two things:
- Being unprepared for an interview – highlighting again the importance of interview preparation, and knowing your stuff. I would like to have seen her in front of the dragons on Dragon’s Den – when they are in full flow of giving someone a grilling!
- Anyone can have a mind blank – she also showed us that it doesn’t matter who you are, everyone can forget their stats, become flustered or nervous when in a pressured situation.
Along with doing your preparation for an interview, it’s also important to try and reduce your nerves. Some of us suffer more than others with this – but I always think you’re ‘stepping into the role’ – ‘step into your interview outfit, get your interview head on and remember you’ve already got their interest’. They like you on paper – you’ve now got to show them you’re just what they need.
Here are some helpful pointers on how to deal with interview nerves:
1. It’s a two-way thing – they need you, and you’ve got to like them and want to work with them.
2. Remember your best achievements at work – examples are crucial to proving your abilities – tell them how you’ve saved money, increased sales etc..
3. Your interviewer/s is human – just like you :0) – and they might be nervous as well!
4. Try to relax – breathe deeply!
5. Dress the part = feel the part! Make sure you look your best, looking the part helps you to feel the part too. Make sure you’re comfortable too though.
6. Have a strong coffee – I always have a quick espresso before any interview, it’s meant to improve concentration and focus the mind. But don’t take it in with you :0)
7. Know where you’re going! and give yourself plenty of time to get there, know your route, and of course who you’re seeing!
Here’s a quick reminder of how to make sure you’re prepared for that all important interview:
How to stand out in an interview – tips and techniques
Other related Dovetail articles:
What to wear to an interview
Top tips for telephone & Skype interviews
Your CV – stand out and be noticed
Undercover Recruiter: 7 tips to make interview nerves disappear
Image credit:
By PaulNUK [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons