Are You ‘that’ Person in The Office at Christmas?

During Christmas time in the office, there are a number of different attitudes to the festivities, some come in armed with decorations, and others bring ear plugs. If you haven’t got a name in mind within the first sentence of each of these descriptors, then congratulations! You’ve found your people.
The Appalling Gift Giver
Secret Santa is an office staple for Christmas, a potential hazard for HR and a nightmare when you’re given a co-worker who you don’t even talk to outside of the weekly teams ‘round-up’. Inevitably, you also must have that one person in the office who gives the most appalling Secret Santa presents.
This individual comes in many forms – whether it be the effortless, the completely thoughtless, or the totally obscene. Personally, we can’t wait to tune into the radio and hear all about the tragic gifts people have received on the drive to work.
Buzzfeed – Unforgiveable Secret Santa Gifts
That said, if you’re struggling for inspiration, check out our Christmas gift guide!
The Overzealous Decorator
A vital colleague to have in the office during the festive season. Without them the office decorations would merely consist of a home bargains micro Christmas tree with a paper star taped precariously to the top. While we must have appreciation for their level of dedication, their efforts can often be somewhat distracting. Including, but not limited to, creating an impressive number of trip hazards, completely rearranging the office furniture, causing a power outage due to an intense amount of Christmas lights. Regardless, we’re sure they deserve a crisp high five as thanks for their attempts.
“Welcome back to the office! We put up Christmas decorations during break, isn’t it so fun? We’re a family!”
— Not Jim Cramer (@CramerTracker) November 27, 2023
The Christmas Caroller
As soon as the temp dips below 15 degrees, the Christmas tunes are on. This is the first person you’d go to for a Christmas party playlist. Even with only max two hours of Christmas music existing in the universe, they’d manage to make it last the whole 9-5. On behalf of us, please let them know that they get extra points if Mariah Carey or Michael Bublé were in their Spotify wrapped this year.
Set up a geo-fence banning Christmas music with Spotify Grind Mode
— Soren Iverson (@soren_iverson) November 26, 2023
The Too Merry Christmas Goer
As the office Christmas party comes around, this colleague may just be the one that sings slightly too enthusiastically. Alternatively, they might be, Kirsty, the one who knocked over the entire Christmas tree that one year. There seems to be no in-between. Either way, they are most likely not getting much done the next day, so be kind, make them a comically large cup of coffee and enjoy the good karma in the new year.
🥂🎅 The annual office Christmas party: where office decorum goes out the window!#servicedofficecompany #servicedoffices #officespacelondon #officespacemanchester #officespacetelford
— Serviced Office Company (@ServicedOffice_) December 1, 2023
The Christmas Comedian
A personal favourite, this colleague is known for surprising everyone with the most unhinged Christmas decorations and office party costume. For a laugh – or inspiration – check out office Christmas decoration posts on X (formally twitter).
we’ve decorated the christmas tree in our office
— Nat🪐 (@teIImeimalive) November 29, 2023
Office Christmas decs are going up today
— #Marcher (@MarcherMedia1) November 23, 2023
The Office Grinch
They wouldn’t go as far as to tear down Christmas decorations, but they’ve definitely come up with a plot on how to accomplish the destruction without being caught.
One suggestion is to take advantage of the elf on the shelf social media trend, then simply blame it on your enthusiasm for committing to the bit. However, if you’re working in accounting, be warned – this plan may not work so seamlessly.
Image Credits:
Jim Carrey’s Grinch vs. the Classic Cartoon (
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