Sales Techniques you need to know
If you have an FMCG Sales Interview, whether you’re just starting out as a Sales Executive or Account Manager, we’ve gathered the key sales techniques you need to be familiar with, before your interview.
We’ve gathered the key sales techniques that successful sales managers use and some you’ll be familiar with as a customer too. Some may be seen as a little old hat and will be more suited to certain industries and clientele.
Obviously, some sales techniques fit better with certain products, sectors and services. Others are bit fresher in their approach, and more appropriate when you are building longterm relationships, whichever sales technique you choose, the fundamental objectives are the same.
So, Back to basics – ultimately, you need to sell.
To get to this point you need to understand your prospects’
– Current needs or potential requirement for your product/service.
– How your product/service is the best solution on the market
– How your product/service fits their budget
To be a successful salesperson, it clearly pays to put the time in and gain a real understanding of your prospect’s situation, their needs and how you can assist with this.
There are hundreds of books on successful sales techniques, and we’ve cherry-picked some of the best in our recent blog: 10 best books to boost your fmcg sales career.
Here are the sales closing techniques you need to know for your FMCG Sales Interview
Some are more suited to telesales than face to face – but these are some of the best-known sales closing techniques to be familiar with; techniques you can pick and choose from in your sales career.
1. The Puppy dog closing technique
Don’t worry, it’s nothing to do with big soppy eyes, if you’ve seen the Eve mattress adverts they do it very well, it’s the: ‘Try it out before you buy technique’
2. The Now or Never
This sales technique uses a special offer to entice you to buy – % discount for today only.
Many service providers take this approach and I’d say it’s one of those we switch off from, on many occasions, but still works for many people.
3. The Summary Close
Just what it says – you summarise the key benefits of the product or service you are selling to your customer.
4. The Question Close
This is a great way to try and close your sale, whilst keeping the sales opportunity alive and the conversation going if there are any doubts still. Many of the broadband providers use this approach very effectively, e.g.
e.g. Do you think this service is something your family would enjoy?
This is an opportunity to reiterate the reasons why they are likely to find it a great service.
There are many more sales techniques that are used, and if you want to avoid becoming that stereotypical salesperson that we’ve all come up against, you’ll find this article from Inc. really useful too, they’ve gathered some of the most effective strategies for closing a sale used by top salespeople.
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